Poetry Paths at Reynolds Middle School

Forty 6th and 7th graders from Reynolds Middle School practiced blurring the boundaries between English and Social Studies. With rich histories imparted on local heroes, John Reynolds, Thaddeus Stevens and Lydia Hamilton Smith, the students responded in poetry. Barbara Strasko, our Poet in the Schools, lead and organized the workshop, artfully guiding students in composing and refining their poems.

We are grateful to Mr. Kramer and Ms. Kernisky, 7th and 6th grade teachers, as well as Jacqueline Churchill, instructional coach. We also thank Randy Harris, local historian, for presenting to the students.

Barbara Buckman Strasko was the Poet Laureate of Lancaster County 2009-10, appointed by The Lancaster Literary Guild. In 2009, she was named Teacher of the Year by River of Words, an International Environmental Poetry & Art Contest for Youth. Find her complete bio here.

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